Contact Us

(02) 9620 1111

[email protected]

1788 The Horsley Drive,
Horsley Park
NSW 2175

General Enquiry

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Effective 1 July 2020

Mandavilla Events Catering is a COVID-SAFE company and we’re so proud of the efforts of our team to keep our valued clients and guests safe in our venues. We look forward to hosting events in a safe and enjoyable way as we move forward in these uncharted times.

Businesses must follow the current COVID-19 Public Health Orders, and also manage risks to staff and other people in accordance with Work Health and Safety laws. For more information go to

Take a look at our COVID-Safe plan highlights below.



Mandavilla Events Catering COVID-19 Safety Plan

  1. Rigorous cleaning schedules are in place and enforced

  2. Toilets are regularly cleaned and checked

  3. Hand sanitisers are available at each entrance, exit and toilet

  4. All guests and suppliers are required to sign in before entering the venue

  5. Any positive cases will be reported to NSW Health immediately

  6. QR codes for check-in are available at each venue and guests to use this upon arrival. Please

    make sure to have your phone easily accessible.

  7. Temperature guns available and will be used on each guest upon arrival. If your temperature

    exceeds the normal limit you will not be permitted to attend the event and must go to your nearest COVID-19 safety check station for further testing.


  1. We are adhering to the 4sqm per guest rule with the cap at 150 guests.

  2. We have multiple event rooms available to segregate your guests and attendees

  3. We are encouraging all our clients to allocate seating for their guests.

  4. We are placing tables, a minimum of 1.5 metres from each other and ensuring that guests are

    adequately separated in order to avoid unnecessary contact.

  5. We will be staggering our event start times to ensure guests are not mingling

  6. Specific entrance and exit routes have been assigned to each entry and floor markers in place

    where guests are asked to queue.

  7. Cocktail mingling events are not permitted

  8. Allocated seating for events only applies.

  9. If bands and entertainment are present they are put in a section of the room away from the


  10. No dancing, singing or mingling amongst guests allowed. Only the wedded couple is permitted to dance. Dance floor capacity is limited to avoid crowding

  11. Booking and appointments can be conducted online or over the phone

  12. Ample copies of guest lists are being displayed so guests are not all crowded around single


  13. Parking is available and free for all guests.

  14. Clients are requested to adjust their menu to individual serves.

  15. Menus are laminated for easy cleaning

  16. All crockery and cutlery is cleaned in a commercial grade washer


  1. All staff have been informed that they will not be allowed access to the building if they are feeling unwell or showing symptoms. Signage and staff are also in place to relay this to guests. Any staff displaying symptoms will be asked to conduct a test before returning to work.
  2. Staff have gone through rigorous cleaning procedures and have had training on social distancing and are aware of when to get tested.
  3. Staff have been made aware of their leave entitlements.
  4. Our venues always promote the responsible service of alcohol.
  5. Staff are being encouraged to keep 1.5 metres distance and office spaces have been set up with empty seats between staff.
  6. zoom attendance for meetings has been implemented.
  7. Staff break times are being staggered.
  8. All invoicing is contactless and delivery days are staggered. Contactless payment is available and encouraged.
  9. Staff have been encouraged to to download the Covid safe app.